We are a
Christ-centred community,
on Cleator Moor
These are the three core values that we want to make more and more part of who we are. We really want others to join us, to hear the gospel proclaimed from the bible and to become part of our community, focusing on Christ, and praising Him.

In Nehemiah 8 God's word is discovered, read and explained to all the people—and they can't get enough. They hear from their God Yahweh who has fulfilled his promise and brought back the faithful to his city. The word leads them to worship, conviction and action. As we look to God's word we seek to rejoice in his promises, to be convicted about how to live, and to change our character based on what is in this book. Nothing else has reliable truth that transforms. It is here the Spirit primarily speaks, whether through preaching, sharing with one another or personal time with Jesus. The bible forms everything we do, and forms us as individuals to serve God in Jesus' church.
JesusCentred Community
Jesus discusses his vital role in the life of a believer in John 15:1-11. We need him to be the central, all-sustaining vine. And we, followers of Christ, are like small vine branches coming off from him. All branches are united by the same Jesus; we all rely on and must remain in him. He has loved us, he will abide in us, he will make us bear fruit, and we will have joy. Then at verse 12, the next logical step comes: "love one another as I have loved you". We are eager to obey Jesus and create a community that loves one another as we live together, united by our shared life-giving vine, Jesus himself.

Isaiah 12 tells of the day when the gospel has gone out. It is the day God should be angry with us—but then, through Jesus becoming our salvation, he comforts us instead! The good news that sinners can be saved by a merciful and loving God is the most refreshing water, drawn from never-ending wells of salvation. And as we draw this satisfying water everyday, we go on to give thanks to him, call upon his name, and "make known his deeds to all people". We must proclaim what God has done for us on the cross. How can we not? The precious, undeserved and wonderful salvation we've received must fill us up and overflow to the people around us. Without Jesus people are still dead in their sins, following the impulses of their own heart and the world around them. The good news about Jesus is the only hope for real change in this life, and the life to come.
Needs for
Church on the MOor
For Christians wanting to support us, thanks! Read how you can help our church plant:
Plants Need Prayer
God grows the plant; he is the director of history and of souls. Our efforts are pointless without him.
If you can commit us and our small town in prayer, then please get in contact by emailing cotmpray@gmail.com, then we will add you to a list, and you'll receive monthly Church on the Moor Updates.
Plants Need People
If you're thinking about potentially joining us in person, to commit to the vision of this sprouting church (or just want to ask some questions) please get in touch with Joe or fill in the contact form.
Plants Need Finances
Plants need money. If you'd like to donate money to the gospel on Cleator Moor, please use the bank details below. Any Questions direct then at cotmtreasurer@gmail.com
Account Name: CHURCH ON THE MOOR (Business not personal Account)
Sort code: 01-02-17
Account number: 25679821